
Lab Insights

Product Design, UX/UI Design

Lab Insights

Cognizant Lab Insights is a centralized lab operations management tool. It allows for labs to more efficiently manage equipment and data sets, cutting costs and increasing the speed by which a drug is approved and brought to market. 

In the early stages of the product, we focused on two main areas: Process Monitoring and Resource Tracking. Process monitoring consisting of recipe creation and experiment progression. Resource tracking provided data and insight into how often and at what stage specific lab equipment was being utilized.

Within process monitoring, we created a recipe builder allowing our users to easily and intuitively create the unit operations and parameters for a given experiment. Because so much of the process can involve duplication, we enabled our user to create a unit operation or parameter once, and have that item saved and ready to be dragged into a new or multiple experiments.

Lab scientists often have multiple experiments going and can be moving from room to room within a lab, so we wanted to design with mobility in mind.

With Resource Tracker, our user is able to see how efficiently the equipment in their lab is being utilized and make administrative decisions and process improvements based on those insights.

The architecture diagram used as sales collateral to give potential partners a closer look at how the technology works.

We created an online user’s guide as resource to help with the onboarding and integration process.

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