

what we do


Southclaw is a multidisciplinary design shop specializing in visual design, brand development, and user experience. Whether it be through products, advertising, marketing, or branding, we help businesses communicate and connect with their customers to better the experiences and interactions had with brands.

We make creative solutions to business problems through hard work and design thinking.

Southclaw has worked with a wide variety of amazing clients all over the globe, spanning multiple industries. From entertainment to insurance, biopharma to the local skate shop, Fortune 200 corporations to startups just getting off the ground. No matter the industry or scope, we approach every project with the same dedication and positivity because we love solving problems.

Led by Bradley Ambrose, with a background in cultural anthropology and creative technology, Southclaw instinctively approaches problems from a human perspective and applies whatever tools and technology necessary to design the right solution.

“Does it solve the user’s (or customer’s) problem?” 

“Does it help our client achieve their business goals?”

“Is it good design?”

Say Hey

We’re always up for a good challenge and love working with good people.


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